There’s even Chekhov’s famous “gun” mounted on the wall -- about which the noted author suggested that if the gun appears in act one it had better go off by act three. Director and co-writer (with Ashley Scott Meyers) Antoni Stutz , shown at right, goes Chekhov one better by having that gun explode almost immediately, leading to yet more hilarious coincidence. At this point in the film, you'll either be rubbing your forehead in amazement or laughing out loud.

Short little scenes begin and end so quickly that they don’t deliver either what we need or even what we expect. This sort of style can have its perks -- surprise, among them -- but here it seems to rob us of the normal exchange that might go on between characters to help further the plot via characterization rather than piling on more incident and event.
“I’ve enjoyed about as much of this as I can stand,” notes that sheriff (played with his usual swagger and sass by Beau Bridges, above), at one choice point along the way. Though you may agree with the lawman,
you’ll probably want to stick around to enjoy all of these out-of-the-woodwork shenanigans, which include some nasty stuff from a certain very naughty, haughty (well, he's British) and sleazy drug dealer (Crispian Belfrage, above) who turns up again and again to offer further nonsensical surprises.
Rushlights, running 96 a-little-too-long minutes, opened yesterday at the following theaters and locations across the country: in Los Angeles at the Chinese 6, Hollywood; in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area, at the TX Studio Movie Grill, Dallas; in the Phoenix, Arizona area at the Harkins Valley Art in Tempe; in Gainesville, Florida, at the Hippodrome; in the CT-NJ-NY-PA area, at The Picturehouse, Pelham, NY; in Columbus, Ohio, at the Gateway Film Center; in Detroit at the Bel Air; in Houston, at the Premiere Renaissance 20; in Miami at the Palace 18; and in Minneapolis-St. Paul, at the St. Anthony Main in Minneapolis.
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