Monday, September 16, 2013

TrustMovies announces a change of content (just in case you hadn't noticed) on this blog....

As the addendum to his blog's title now announces (and has been happening more and more often over the past few weeks), TrustMovies will be concentrating from here onward on what's worth watching (or not) via Netflix streaming. Why Netflix streaming? Because this service offers what seems to TM to be the largest assortment of movies -- especially foreign films, documentaries and independent movies -- to be found anywhere. And at the most reasonable price. The only downside to this vast assortment? Choosing a film to view can be rather difficult. You can spend -- as my spouse and I (yup, my partner of 25 years and I got hitched last month!) sometimes do -- as much time trying to decide on a title as you do finally watching the movie itself.

So, with all this in mind, yours truly will forego the new films to concentrate on those available via streaming. Yes, this will be hard: saying no to all the free press screenings, mailed DVDs and online Vimeo links I regularly receive. On the other hand, I'll finally be able to tackle the enormous Netflix "watch instantly" queue (currently numbering 242 films) that I've amassed over time.

I still hope to occasionally see and report on a new film and even cover in small part certain festivals (such as the New York Film Festival, press screenings for which begin today!) and especially those yearly Spanish, Italian and French new-film series from the FSLC. We shall see. Meanwhile, I hope I don't lose too many of you loyal readers, whom I want to thank for following me over the past five years. Most of you are located, no surprise, in the New York City and Los Angeles areas, but there are also readers worldwide, from Azerbaijan to Zimbabwe and most geographical points (and initial alphabet letters) in between.

One more thing, just to make it clear: TrustMovies is receiving no remuneration from Netflix (or anyone else, for that matter) for making this change. It just seems, given my advancing age, a smart move in several ways. Over the past year or two, I've also had a few readers suggest that I do exactly this, as a help to them. Which I now am. So thank you, readers. And I hope this does help.

The photos above and below are from a few of the films I hope to cover in the coming weeks. From top to bottom: A Portrait of James Dean: Joshua Tree 1951Day of the FalconNatural Selection; The Man Nobody Knew: In Search of My father, CIA Spymaster William ColbyTied; And Everything Is Going Fine.

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