A film that TrustMovies spent some time and energy on last May -- MIDNIGHT MOVIE -- has just made its Blu-Ray debut (an event its director told us would be forthcoming). The review copy to be sent to us would have fallen upon a Blu-Rayless household, however, so instead we asked that the DVD be mailed to our our very old and dear and definitively movie-loving pal, artist Robert Adragna of Cobleskill, New York (the only person we know who actually owns a Blu-Ray machine). Robert watched the new version and reported back the following:
"A perfect title, if ever there was one, MIDNIGHT MOVIE is a film to see in a theater, on a Saturday night, with a crowd.
"As I watched the film at home, I could easily imagine the scares, laughs and groans from a live audience. Unfortunately, as a film, the movie never quite rises to a "B" level. It’s more in the “C” category.
"The acting is adequate, the cinematography adequate (yes, adequate is the word -- with the younger actors doing a better job than the the older ones). The best thing about the film is its hook: a Horror film within a Horror film, where the two meld at times, with both taking place in a movie theater. This hook is quite good, but a better script would have helped. However, on a late Saturday night, the audience will enjoy it.
"The Blu-Ray edition is not nearly up to the level of other Blu-Ray 'B' movies that I've seen, especially those put out by Lionsgate. I was surprised by this, as I had expected both the visuals and the sound quality to be better than they were."
Thanks for watching and reporting, Robert. Interested readers can find here TrustMovies' original review and interview with director Jack Messitt.
The Blu-Ray version of Midnight Movie, distributed via Phase 4 Films, is available from Amazon and elsewhere.
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