Got an old Jew in your family? We have. She's 95, as a matter of fact, and so we sat her down in front of the TV and popped in the DVD machine this little disc (only 45 minutes long) entitled OLD JEWS TELLING JOKES. She laughed. And laughed. Not at every joke (many of them are... how might she have put it in her day: dirty?) but those weren't the ones she failed to grasp. Rather, they were the ones after which she laughed the hardest. But some jokes depend on one's knowledge of events, people or things with which our nonagenarian may not have been familiar (or by now have forgotten). In any case, after the show, Great Grandma proclaimed herself very happy to have seen it.
You know what? We were, too.
Many of the jokes are very funny, and the folk who tell them are funny, too -- in their own odd way. I don't believe any of the performers are professional comedians. They're just old jews, enjoying themselves immensely and, as directed by Sam Hoffman, passing that enjoyment on to you.
Old Jews Telling Jokes is available for sale from First Run Features and for rent via Netflix or other online (and maybe even some in-store) video rental establishments.
Sounds good. Thanks for the recommendation. But like many of your other valuable critiques it will soon be lost unless your site can be more easily searched, and unless your list of titles on the left includes the actual title, which perhaps ought always to start off the title of the post, so it is never hidden.
Again, am I blind or is there no search on your site? At the moment I use "ABCDE site:trustmovies.com" as a search on Google to find your reviews, which works fine, where ABCDE is the title of the movie whose review I am looking for on trustmovies. But it would be more convenient to have a good search option on your site. Sorry if it is there and I cannot see it.
Correction: Beg pardon, but the Google search quoted above does not work for your site, for some reason. It should. I thought that it was because I left out http:// as in Google search "jews site:http://trustmovies.com" but alas it does not work, except for the word "james" as in Google search "james site:http://trustmovies.com".
which does yield a link to your site in the form of your full name.
Hope this helps and provokes you to get a good search for trustmovies which deserves it as a fine library of worthwhile reviews..
OK skip the two comments I just made this morning, I finally noticed your Blogger search slot semi hidden at top left, which works fine. Perhaps it should be moved over right and down a bit though.
Wonder why the standard google site search doesn't work for trust movies, though. It works for every other site I have tested it on.
And where is your review of Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans?
Thank you, CriticNYC for all your worry -- and help. The positioning of the Search site is part of the Blogspot template I have chosen, I believe, and so is not negotiable. But really, there is so much more I have to learn about both blogging and marketing my blog, but I always seem to get caught up in the writing of it and the work necessary to get a proper post that I never have time for further marketing stuff. One day....
Oh - and there is no review of Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans because I haven't seen it yet. Didn't get invited to a press screening, and now that I have no real income, I only cover movies that I don't have to pay for (with very rare exceptions). Also, the idea of paying for a movie that stars the king of over-acting Nicolas Cage, strikes me as, well, unnecessary. Though I do like Werner Herzog's stuff. I'll probably wait until the DVD appears.
That an independent minded and clear headed and downright honest critic such as yourself was not invited as a priority to a screening of Bad Lieutenant is an outrageous omission, and if I had known I would have so informed the powers that be in that regard.
Awwww... Thanks for your concern, CriticNYC. Maybe next time (as Liza Minnelli likes to sing), I'll get that invite.
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