Full of the usual convenience and coincidence of this genre (unless Macao has only a single major hotel, with one floor of guest rooms), the movie begins with a great set-up: Grandpa -- played by, yes, Johnny Hallyday, has his whole family wiped out and is thus primed for the titlular passion. To that end, he hooks up with a trio of assassins, and the bond they form is actually rather endearing: funny and occasionally moving. The surprise hook -- kicking in midway along and having to do with memory loss -- is a good one, though we've seen it before in movies such as The Memory of a Killer. We've also second-guessed the identity of the villain long before the film manages to cough it up, and as usual, the police (not to mention the occasional pedestrian), are simply nowhere to be found.

The best of the film, unfortunately, is all up front; as it plows along, it grows more foolish and ridiculous. As the conclusion bears down, there is so much synthetic sentiment (above) and mystical malarkey afoot, all you can do is snicker and avert your gaze. Hallyday is fairly one-note, as usual, but the worst offense is promising us Sylvie Testud (below) and then providing her with an infinitesimal role. By the finale, the film borders on embarrassing. When action directors dry up, must they turn this pretentious?
Vengeance is available only On-Demand, beginning this Wednesday, August 4, via IFC's Midnight series. Click here to determine availability.
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